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About susansalgy

Susan Leihana Chock Salgy is the daughter of the late George F Chock, who was the oldest son of Chock Chin to survive to adulthood. She is passionate about family history and has been collecting stories and details about both sides of her family ever since she learned to fill out a pedigree chart.

Finding my Chock cousins

The year 2022 has turned out to be a tremendous year of connecting with Chock cousins. I originally created this site specifically for the purpose of finding my cousins. I thought that perhaps the children or grandchildren of my father's siblings might someday Google [...]

By | 2024-04-13T08:46:08-06:00 April 13th, 2024|Family Members, Hanalei|Comments Off on Finding my Chock cousins

Finding my Great-grandmother’s Family

by Susan Chock Salgy Finding ancestral records in China is a complex endeavor. Sometimes it comes together neatly and you are done in a month. Other times it takes patience, persistence, prayer, and a miracle or two. Finding my great-grandmother's ancestors took three years, [...]

By | 2023-10-27T11:40:31-06:00 October 26th, 2023|Chinese Festivals, Dong'an Huang Clan, Family Miracles|Comments Off on Finding my Great-grandmother’s Family

Chock Grand Ancestral Temple in Guan Tang honors Chock emigrants to Hawaii

Guan Tang Chock and She Clan Grand Ancestral Temples The Chinese are a temple people. In addition to the multiple small ancestral temples scattered throughout the neighborhoods of Chinese villages, the oldest clans typically built larger temples called Grand Ancestral Temples, to [...]

By | 2022-12-07T21:07:37-07:00 December 3rd, 2022|Ancestral Temples, Chinese of Hawaii, Cultural Revolution, History, She Clan, Zhuo Clan|Comments Off on Chock Grand Ancestral Temple in Guan Tang honors Chock emigrants to Hawaii

The story of Tong Yee Aii唐綺, Alai Aii, and Wong Kun Akana黃根

By Louise Skyles Tong Yee Aii唐綺 According to the Tang Zi Ying Jiapu: Tong Fu Jin 唐富錦  (1820-1861), also known as Tong Yee 唐綺 (Tong Yee Aii), married Miss She 佘氏 (1826-1862), and they had a son Yishan益善 (Hawaiian name: Tong Chong) The Chinese [...]

By | 2022-05-20T10:36:25-06:00 May 20th, 2022|Migration, She Clan, Tang Clan|Comments Off on The story of Tong Yee Aii唐綺, Alai Aii, and Wong Kun Akana黃根

Finding the Village of Aaron Hee’s Grandfather

The beautiful thing about having a lot of family records in the tree is that it provides the opportunity for people with similar surnames from similar places to find them and wonder if/how they might be related. That is how Aaron Hee made [...]

By | 2022-03-08T11:12:42-07:00 January 18th, 2022|Family Members, Hee/Xu Clan of Pan Sha, Pan Sha Village, Zhuo Clan|Comments Off on Finding the Village of Aaron Hee’s Grandfather

A Little History of the She Clan

The She clan has a long history in Guan Tang village, and intermarried with the Zhuo clan many times throughout the years. Louise has been researching them as part of our project to find the ancestral lines of the women who married into the [...]

By | 2021-11-08T13:33:27-07:00 November 6th, 2021|She Clan|Comments Off on A Little History of the She Clan
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