by susansalgy | 26,Oct,2023 | Chinese Festivals, Dong'an Huang Clan, Family Miracles
by Susan Chock Salgy Finding ancestral records in China is a complex endeavor. Sometimes it comes together neatly and you are done in a month. Other times it takes patience, persistence, prayer, and a miracle or two. Finding my great-grandmother’s ancestors took...
by susansalgy | 18,Aug,2021 | Family Miracles, History, The Kings of Chu, Zhuo Clan
The Clan name: Zhuo Zhuo Bing Quan researched for Zhuo family records after he retired from his career as a school principal in Guan Tang Village. He felt a great desire to fill in the gap for Zhuo family Guan Tang jia pu. The gap came about in the Cultural...
by susansalgy | 20,Mar,2018 | Family Miracles
In 1991 I was employed at a job in Ft Collins, Colorado as a Printed Circuit Board designer and programmer. I also had a teaching job at the Denver Business College as an AutoCAD instructor. During this time I was driving a red Toyota Corolla hatchback and really...