by Susan Chock Salgy | 27,Mar,2025 | Tang Clan
Another famous Tang: Tang Shao Yi The Tang clan of Tang Jia Village was well known in the area. As Louise Skyles told me, “While most of the villagers in the area just barely survived and went overseas to make a living, the Tang clan sent their members overseas...
by Susan Chock Salgy | 24,Mar,2025 | Cultural Norms & Traditions, Dong'an Huang Clan, Women's History, Zhuo Clan
Kinship Alliance: one marriage at a time Chock Chin’s mother was Huang Shi — a daughter of the Dong’an Huang clan. Their marriage was one more golden link in the long chain of kinship alliances that have connected the Guan Tang Chock/Zhuo and the...
by Susan Chock Salgy | 26,Oct,2023 | Chinese Festivals, Dong'an Huang Clan, Family Miracles
by Susan Chock Salgy Finding ancestral records in China is a complex endeavor. Sometimes it comes together neatly and you are done in a month. Other times it takes patience, persistence, prayer, and a miracle or two. Finding my great-grandmother’s ancestors took...
by Susan Chock Salgy | 03,Dec,2022 | Ancestral Temples, Chinese of Hawaii, Cultural Revolution, History, She Clan, Zhuo Clan
The Chinese are a temple people. In addition to the multiple small ancestral temples scattered throughout the neighborhoods of Chinese villages, the oldest clans typically built larger temples called Grand Ancestral Temples, to honor the first ancestor of their clan...
by Susan Chock Salgy | 05,Nov,2022 | History, The Kings of Chu, Zhuo Clan
Louise Skyles has been gathering genealogical records and working directly with Zhuo Bing Quan for almost four years now and it is amazing how much more we know about our ancestors at this point. Because of the royal lineage from which the Chock/Zhuo clan descends,...
by Susan Chock Salgy | 29,Oct,2022 | Chinese of Hawaii, Gu/Goo Clan
In March of 2021, we expanded the scope of our research to include searching for the families of the women who married into the Chock clan. This is very difficult to do, because the information about females recorded in clan records is usually very brief (surname...