by Susan Chock Salgy | 29,Oct,2022 | Chinese of Hawaii, Gu/Goo Clan
In March of 2021, we expanded the scope of our research to include searching for the families of the women who married into the Chock clan. This is very difficult to do, because the information about females recorded in clan records is usually very brief (surname...
by Susan Chock Salgy | 26,Feb,2022 | Family Members, Gu/Goo Clan, Hee/Xu Clan of Pan Sha
We were privileged to meet several members of our extended Goo family in January 2022. I had been corresponding quite a bit with Gerry Goo Nihipali about her Goo/Gu pedigree and our common ancestors, since Louise Skyles connected the missing pieces and was able to...
by Susan Chock Salgy | 12,Oct,2021 | Chinese of Hawaii, Genealogy Research, Gu/Goo Clan, History, Migration
Gu Chuan Pin 古傳品 was one of the early immigrants from the Nazhou Gu clan who settled in Hawaii. His family’s experiences in Hawaii and later in Chicago, Illinois are fascinating, because they are tied closely to the political affairs of China. Here’s...
by Susan Chock Salgy | 03,Sep,2021 | Genealogy Research, Gu/Goo Clan, Migration
One of my distant cousins, Trevor Goo, contacted me via the private message feature in in March 2021, to inquire about where I had obtained the records for some of the Gu ancestors on the tree. We exchanged information, and I put him in contact with...
by Susan Chock Salgy | 07,Jul,2021 | Genealogy Research, Gu/Goo Clan
In the spring of 2021, after having completed several important milestones in the project of extracting ancestral records from our Zhuo clan jiapus and zupus, I asked Louise to see if she could go back through the records and find information about the fathers and...