by Susan Chock Salgy | 03,Dec,2022 | Ancestral Temples, Chinese of Hawaii, Cultural Revolution, History, She Clan, Zhuo Clan
The Chinese are a temple people. In addition to the multiple small ancestral temples scattered throughout the neighborhoods of Chinese villages, the oldest clans typically built larger temples called Grand Ancestral Temples, to honor the first ancestor of their clan...
by Susan Chock Salgy | 20,May,2022 | Migration, She Clan, Tang Clan
By Louise Skyles Tong Yee Aii唐綺 According to the Tang Zi Ying Jiapu: Tong Fu Jin 唐富錦 (1820-1861), also known as Tong Yee 唐綺 (Tong Yee Aii), married Miss She 佘氏 (1826-1862), and they had a son Yishan益善 (Hawaiian name: Tong Chong) The Chinese family members evidently...
by Susan Chock Salgy | 06,Nov,2021 | She Clan
The She clan has a long history in Guan Tang village, and intermarried with the Zhuo clan many times throughout the years. Louise has been researching them as part of our project to find the ancestral lines of the women who married into the Zhuo clan. As with most...
by Susan Chock Salgy | 06,Nov,2021 | She Clan
Chinese jiapus are awesome, but you really need specific details in order to find what you’re looking for in them. And if you work with a large and complex family tree like ours long enough, you might need a little miracle or two from time to time, to find the...