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The story of Tong Yee Aii唐綺, Alai Aii, and Wong Kun Akana黃根

By Louise Skyles Tong Yee Aii唐綺 According to the Tang Zi Ying Jiapu: Tong Fu Jin 唐富錦  (1820-1861), also known as Tong Yee 唐綺 (Tong Yee Aii), married Miss She 佘氏 (1826-1862), and they had a son Yishan益善 (Hawaiian name: Tong Chong) The Chinese [...]

By | 2022-05-20T10:36:25-06:00 May 20th, 2022|Migration, She Clan, Tang Clan|Comments Off on The story of Tong Yee Aii唐綺, Alai Aii, and Wong Kun Akana黃根

Gu Chuan Pin Migrates to Hawaii and Changes History

Gu Chuan Pin 古傳品 was one of the early immigrants from the Nazhou Gu clan who settled in Hawaii. His family's experiences in Hawaii and later in Chicago, Illinois are fascinating, because they are tied closely to the political affairs of China. Here's Gu Chuan [...]

By | 2021-10-14T18:56:59-06:00 October 12th, 2021|Chinese of Hawaii, Genealogy Research, Gu/Goo Clan, History, Migration|Comments Off on Gu Chuan Pin Migrates to Hawaii and Changes History

Migration from China to California in the 19th Century

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8342tHnK4gg In the final part of this 2-part series, historian Brian Dillon details the experience of the Chinese immigrants who came to California in the 19th century.  Unlike the supportive and welcoming experience Chock Chin and other Chinese immigrants had in the Kingdom of [...]

By | 2021-08-25T10:30:46-06:00 August 25th, 2021|History, Migration|Comments Off on Migration from China to California in the 19th Century

Migration from Guangdong to Hawaii in 19th Century

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn9fjgBSCDY This is an outstanding presentation by historian Brian Dillon, recorded on August 14, 2021. It offers the historical context for the Chinese migration from Guangdong to the Kingdom, and later the Territory, of Hawaii.  This directly informs our understanding of Chock Chin's [...]

By | 2021-09-20T11:52:48-06:00 August 19th, 2021|History, Migration|Comments Off on Migration from Guangdong to Hawaii in 19th Century