The year 2022 has turned out to be a tremendous year of connecting with Chock cousins. I originally created this site specifically for the purpose of finding my cousins. I thought that perhaps the children or grandchildren of my father’s siblings might someday Google for their grandfather, Chock Chin, or the Chock family of Hanalei, or some other keyword that would find this site and lead them here where they would find my contact info and, well, contact me.
Unfortunately, there were a few attempts that got caught in my spam filter. (I have heard that Bob Chinn tried at one point, and Edward Chock may have tried as well, but got no reply from me because I never saw their emails.)
But this year was different. On July 12, 2022 I got an email that began:
Aloha Susan and Galen,
My name is Susan Chun—my grandmother, Ardith Lam (née Annie Chock) was a daughter of Chock Chin, and I was raised in Hawaii on tales of old Hanalei shared by Auntie N.C., grandma, and Uncle Wilfred. Auntie N.C. and Auntie Janet were working with the Chars on The Chock Chin Story—which was distilled into the Chock Chin chapter of the Chinese Families of Kauai—when I was in grade school, so life in Hanalei was a constant topic of conversation at family gatherings.
Anyway, I stumbled upon the Chock Chin of Hanalei website today while trying to remember which logogram was the correct one for our Chock family. What an unexpected bonanza of information, quite a lot of it new to me and my family (direct descendents of Chock Chin and my Kauai Apo in our branch include the aforementioned Ardith Lam; my mother, Jo-Ann Lam Chun, an only child; and my brother James (Kimo) Chun and myself. Thank you so very much.
This was the realization of the dream. A cousin actually found my website, and found me, and wanted to connect!
Susan Chun and I traded emails loaded with lots of information, and made plans to get together on our upcoming trip to Hawaii in October 2022 (which we had been planning for several months with our daughter’s family).

Jo-Ann Lam Chun, Susan Chock Salgy, Jim Chock, October 2022, Honolulu

Aloha Susan,
My name is Norman Kwai Cheong “Kaleomokuokanalu” Chock and am a great grandson of Chock Chin (Lung Sin) of Honolulu. Our branch of the Chocks broke off from the Chock Chin (Tʻo Hsien) seventeen generations and about 600 years ago with our common ancestor, Chock Zu Gui / Tsu-Kuei / Hsin-Ts’un (卓祖貴), great grandson of Chock Fung. Iʻve been working on our family tree since 1970 and was able to get 97 generations of my Hawaiian ancestry but was not able to get beyond five generations of my Chinese ancestry until about two months ago when I discovered your website plus another where someone had gotten access to the family tree info for my great-grandfather.