Discover Our Tapestry of Clans

The Clans of our Mothers

Explore the rich clan heritage each bride brought with her on her wedding day, and bequeathed to the children she bore for the Chock clan.  A beautiful alchemy that continues to remix and refine the house of Chock with each generation of time.

Explore Our Rich Cultural Tapestry

Remembering who we are.

Our Ancestral Clans

The Huang/Wong Clan
Clan of the Yellow Emperor

The most revered of the ancient Chinese emperors is Huang Di (2697–2595 BC), a mythological ruler who is considered the founding father of all Han Chinese people. He is also known as the Yellow Emperor, since the name Huang also means yellow

The Tong/Tang Clan
Pioneers of Change
The Lee Clan brought innovation and adaptability to our family, encouraging new ways of thinking and living. Their legacy is one of progress and transformation.
The Gu/Koo/Goo Clan
Keepers of Heritage
Renowned for their deep respect for ancestral roots, the Chen Clan has been instrumental in maintaining our family’s connection to its origins. Their stories continue to inspire us today.


Chock Chin’s mother was Huang Shi, a daughter of the Huang/Wong Clan.  Born in Tung’an in 1834. 

Tang 唐

Chock Chin’s maternal grandmother was Tang Shi, a daughter of the Tang/Tong clan.  Born about 1795.

Goo 古

Chock Chin’s paternal grandmother was Goo Shi, a daughter of the Goo/Gu/Ku clan. Born in Nan-Shan-K’Eng, P’U-Ch’Uan-Kang, China, 14 August 1796.

Zheng 鄭

Chock Chin’s paternal great-grandmother was Zheng Shi of the Zheng Tai Ya Branch  of the Qiaotou Zheng Clan.  Born in 1763.

Tan 譚

Chock Chin’s paternal 3rd great-grandmother was  Tan Shi, a daughter of the Ping Shan Tan Clan. Born 15 October 1719.

Huang 黃

Chock Chin’s paternal great-great-grandmother was Huang Shi, a daughter of the Huang/Wong clan.  Born in 1688.

Leung 梁

Chock Chin’s paternal great-grandmother was Leung Shi, a daughter of the Leung/Liang Clan. Born on  5 November 1767 in Ho-Pi-Ling, China.

Cheng 程

Chock Chin’s maternal great-grandmother was Cheng Shi of the Cheng/Zheng/Chang Clan.  Born in 1739.