Meet the Family: King Zhuang of Chu

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Meet the Family: King Zhuang of Chu

King Zhuang of Chu was one of our ancestors.

King Zhuang of Chu (Chinese楚莊王pinyinChǔ Zhuāng Wáng, reigned 613-591 BC) was a monarch of the Zhou Dynasty State of Chu during the Spring and Autumn period in ancient China.

His personal name was Xiong Lü (Chinese熊旅pinyinXióng Lǚ), his ancestral name was Mi (Chinesepinyin), and his posthumous title was King Zhuang. He was one of the five rulers dubbed the Five Hegemons by Xunzi and attempted to wrest control of China from King Ding of Zhou.[1]

The son of King Mu of Chu, Zhuang ascended the throne in 613 BC. According to a legend in the Records of the Grand Historian, for the first three years of his reign Zhuang wasted time in pleasure seeking, but, when challenged by two courtiers, reformed his ways.[2]

The king made Sunshu Ao his chancellor. Sunshu Ao began a series of major dam-works and an enormous planned reservoir in modern-day northern Anhui province.

After some military successes, King Zhuang attempted to usurp King Ding of Zhou. According to a well known story, probably an invention of the Warring States period, he asked a messenger from Zhou about the weight of the legendary Nine Tripod Cauldrons which Zhou possessed, a euphemism for seeking ultimate power in China, but was rebuffed. This incident gave rise to the chengyu “to enquire about ding in the central plains”, i.e. to have great ambitions (simplified Chinese问鼎中原traditional Chinese問鼎中原pinyinwèn dǐng zhōngyuán – see the entry at wiktionary.)[3]

In the Battle of Bi, his army defeated the State of Jin. His progress from lazy regent to hegemon gave rise to the Chinese chengyu “amaze [others] with one cry” (simplified Chinese一鸣惊人traditional Chinese一鳴驚人pinyinyī míng jīngrén – see the entry at wiktionary).

The Chu were known for their unique and elaborate bronze works.  Here’s an example:

“Wangzi Wu” Bronze Ding. The inscription inside the Ding documents that Prince Wu worshipped his ancestors and prayed for his offspring. Wu was a son of King Zhuang.

Photo credit for image of King Zhuang:

By | 2019-02-12T15:00:36-07:00 February 12th, 2019|History, The Kings of Chu|Comments Off on Meet the Family: King Zhuang of Chu

About the Author:

Susan Leihana Chock Salgy is the daughter of the late George F Chock, who was the oldest son of Chock Chin to survive to adulthood. She is passionate about family history and has been collecting stories and details about both sides of her family ever since she learned to fill out a pedigree chart.